Dom Duarte Pio About Infanta Cristina: ‘If She Did It, She Will Have To Pay For It’

  April 5, 2016 at 9:56 am by

The Duke of Bragança spoke to the Spanish newspaper ‘El Espanol’ about the chances of a restauration of Portugal’s monarchy, about his friendship with the Infantas Pilar and Margarita and about his love for Spain. The chef of the Portuguese royal family also offered his thoughts about  the Infanta Cristina, who is facing charges of fraud. He also reveals that Ronald Reagan once suggested he should run for president and try to restore the monarchy from that position.

Dom Duarte Pio noted that 29% of the Portuguese supported a monarchy. Given those numbers he doesn’t expect that a restauration is a likely scenatio. He thinks that many Portuguese do not fully understand the concept of a monarchy anymore. For many a democracy is only possible in a republic, while Spain and other countries show that this is not the case.

The Duke still sees the two sisters of king Juan Carlos – the infantas Pilar and Margarita- often. They visit Estoril (near Lisbon) frequently. It is the town where the infantas grew up while their parents were forced to live in exile. Dom Duarte Pio also visits Spain often, he especially likes Galicia in the North-West of Spain. He also confesses he enjoys watching the series ‘Hispania e Isabel’.

He calls the Nóos trial ”a drama for both the royal family and for the people who support them. The royal families are ordinary families, with the difference that they have a duty to be exemplary. I think Felipe VI has taken a clear position in this regard, avoiding interfering with the work of justice. It is a painful situation, but if she -referring to Infanta Cristina- did, she will have to pay for it.” Still, he does not think the trial will damage the monarchy further. He thinks the Spanish monarchy is strong enough and also notes that republics also have presidents that are suspected of corruption.

The duke does not think it would be wise for him to run for public office, as the late Archduke Otto of Austria did. He even reveals that the late US president Ronald Reagan discussed the matter with him and encouraged him to run for president. Reagan was sure that Dom Duarte Pio would win an election and work on a restoration from that position. But the duke confesses that he simply doesn’t feel it is the right thing to do. He explains: “first, it would be a betrayal of the monarchists. And it would be disingenuous with the republic itself, because I can not hold office and then do everything possible to end the republic.

Read the original article in Spanish here.

Courtesy: TRF member blog real.

Dom Duarte Pio and his wife Isabel at the funeral of Prince Kardam of Bulgaria in 2015

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