Former Prince Gives Interview to Romanian Press

  March 24, 2016 at 10:43 pm by

Nicholas Medforth-Mills, who until August 2015 was a Prince of Romania and third in line to the headship of the house, has given an interview to Ion Cristoiu of EVZ.

“I can say that revoking my title was as much a surprise to me as it was for the public,” Nicholas told Cristoiu, also saying there was “never a discussion between me and the King on the subject, before I was excluded from the succession.”

When asked about the many rumours floating around why his title was revoked, Nicholas said that “I heard many rumours about my behaviour, rumours accompanied by concrete facts. They can not be had liable based on rumours and I cannot even straighten them out unless I know where I am wrong….I have always endeavoured to assume the title and responsibilities that come wit it and I wanted constantly to initiate and promote actions beneficial for Romania, and especially for my generation.”

He also said there was “a possibility that some of my initiatives have not necessary been consistent with expectations” [of his grandfather, or aunt perhaps?] but that he left it to the “Romanians to draw their conclusions about me and my activities during the three years as Prince.”

Mr Medforth-Mills said he was very much affected emotionally by the events of August, saying that he was “still very upset because I was not given the guidance that I had so much needed at the time. I feel that I represented Romania and my family with the best intentions.”

He revealed that since August the relationship between himself and his family, including his mother, Princess Elena, has been strained. The last time he saw his family was in September last year, for his grandmother’s birthday, and that when he travelled to Switzerland at beginning of this year, he was not allowed to see his grandfather, King Mihai. The King has only “vaguely and briefly” discussed that matter with his eldest grandson once.

So it seems that the former Prince Nicolae is, and remains, as much in the dark regarding the whole saga as the Romanian public and the royal watching community are.

More of the interview can be read in English at the blog Royal Musings.

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