Prince William Meets Kenyan President Ahead of Old Friend’s Wedding

  March 24, 2016 at 12:09 pm by

The Duke of Cambridge has had an audience with the President of Kenya, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, at the State House in Nairobi. The pair discussed Kenya’s efforts in fighting the illegal trafficking and poaching of wildlife in the country, as well as defence and security matters.

Prince William pledged to do whatever he could to help “raise the profile in your [Kenyan] efforts to conserve wildlife”.

Afterwards, Prince William spent the afternoon observing TuskTrust projects in Northern Kenya, accompanied by the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Natural Resources, Professor Judi Wakhungu. One of the places they visited was the Namunyak Conservancy, managed by the Kenya Wildlife Service, where they were shown the efforts done to conserve the elephant and rhino population.

William is in Kenya this weekend to attend the wedding of his long-time friend, Jecca Craig, to conservationist Jonathan Baillie.

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