Action Princes Haakon and Frederik Participate in the Birkebeinerrennet

  March 19, 2016 at 3:27 pm by

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark continued their reputations as action princes today as they competed in the Birkebeinerrennet cross-country skiing race.

The race runs the 54km between Rena and Lillehammer. Much was made by the media prior to the event as to which Prince would prevail over the other, to “do their country proud” (all in a joking manner of course).

Haakon was the ‘victor’ of the two, competing the course in 4:10.10, Frederik almost an hour slower with a time of 5:05.05. Neither man finished within the designated time for their respective age groups however.

Haakon later praised his Danish counterpart for his efforts, saying that “he is in better shape than me. But this race and the conditions work for me better.”

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