Lions, Tigers and … HM? Elizabeth and Philip Open New Zoo Enclosure

  March 17, 2016 at 10:47 am by

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip got up close to a quartet of Asiatic lions today as they officially opened the London Zoo’s new Land Of The Lions enclosure. The lions are an endangered species which originate from the Indian state of Gujarat.

Wearing a pale blue outfit and a very jaunty matching hat, the Queen was smiling brightly as she declared the new enclosure open and unveiled a plaque to commemorate the occasion (during the ceremony, she and Prince Philip couldn’t help but be distracted when two of the younger lions – Heidi and Indi – began fighting each other). She and Prince Philip were then given a tour around the large enclosure, and were presented with a photograph of themselves opening the old lion enclosure in 1976.

The Duke was in fine form, asking the lion keepers if they “still had their hands, arms and legs” as he and his wife met with zoo staff.

The Queen is patron of the London Zoo, while the Duke is the President of the Zoological Society of London.

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