Haakon and Mette-Marit Visit Alna

  March 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm by

Crown Prince Haakon and  Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visited the city of Alna today. They went to this city close to the Norwegian capital to open a new library and activity center. The couple met with toddlers from a local school, with whom they talked about books.

The Crown Princess told the press she was impressed with the new library. She also added that she herself only became interested in books during her adolecent years. Her husband said that he thought it would be a great meeting place for all sorts of people who wanted to be involved in dancing and making music.

Later in the day the couple also visited the city park of Alma, the local school and a resident of the city who has been named ‘nurse of the year’ of 2015, who is a local resident.

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