Delphine Boël Has Court Victory, Can Continue Legal Suit For Paternity

  February 3, 2016 at 7:26 pm by

After a 15-month case, Belgium’s Constitutional Court has ruled that Delphine Boël, who claims to be a biological daughter of former King Albert II, can continue with her legal bid to prove her paternity.

The Court today announced its decision that the right to have the knowledge of your biological father is more important than the law, which states that such a challenge must be done either prior to the child’s 22nd birthday or within a year of finding out your legal father is not your biological father.

Delphine Boël, March 2008

This means that Ms Boël can proceed in the civil court to prove her paternity, where she will present evidence pointing to King Albert being her father and aim to have a judge order a DNA test.

King Albert has long denied paternity of Ms Boël, who was born in 1968 to Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps. It is rumoured he had an affair with the Baroness for several years during that period, when his marriage to Queen Paola was unhappy.

When an outcome of this long-running saga will be determined is unknown.

King Albert, July 2013

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