Queen Elizabeth At Church of England Tenth General Synod Service

  November 24, 2015 at 12:38 pm by

Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh today attended a service at Westminster Abbey marking the inauguration of the Church of England’s Tenth General Synod.

The service was led by the Archbishop of Canterbury before the official party went to Church House, the official headquarters of the Church of England, for the inauguration ceremony.

The General Synod, which is the national assembly of the Church, occurs every five years in which decisions regarding important matters to the faith are decided. The current Synod will focus on Britain’s response to the refugee crisis facing Europe at the moment.

In her speech at the inauguration, the Queen called for “greater unity amongst Christians” saying that the Synod would be required to “grapple with difficult issues.”

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at the inauguration of the General Synod

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