Monaco Royals Celebrate Prince Albert’s 10 Years On The Throne

  July 11, 2015 at 9:33 pm by

Monaco’s royals stepped out in full force to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Prince Albert II taking the throne. It was filled with music and cocktails outside the Royal Palace. The 57 year old Prince came out of the Palace holding his South African wife’s hand to greet the invited guests.

During the event, Princess Charlene gave a speech in French where she said, “Albert I was the explorer, Prince Rainier III was the builder prince, you are the prince of my heart.” Prince Albert was touched by his wife’s speech and was seen shedding some tears.

During the celebrations, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene received gifts for the baptism of their twins from the people of Monaco, the gift were given by Mayor of Monaco, Georges Marsan. The twins received Cartier pieces from the 1920’s. Princess Gabriella received a 1925 brooch while Prince Jacques received a Cartier Large Tank Cintrée watch.

The couple’s two children were seen from the Palace balcony during the event.

Attending the event were the Prince’s sisters, Princess Caroline of Hanover and Princess Stephanie, along with their children.

Members of the Monaco Princely Family celebrate Prince Albert’s tenth anniversary on the throne, July 11

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