Memorial Mass For Prince Kardam Held in Madrid

  June 8, 2015 at 7:39 pm by

A memorial mass for the late Prince Kardam of Bulgaria was held this afternoon in Madrid.

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View the full image at Hola!

The San Jerónimo el Real Church was full of family and friends of the late Prince, who died on April 7, for the mass officiated by Archbishop Antonii, the representative of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Western Europe.

Princess Miriam, Prince Boris and Prince Beltran (the widow and sons of Prince Kardam) and King Simeon and Queen Margarita received condolences and warm hugs from mourners as they greeted them on the church steps. Among those attending the memorial were Spain’s King Felipe and Queen Letizia, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, Infantas Elena and Cristina, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands with Princess Beatrix and Princess Laurentien, Crown Prince Pavlos of Greece and his aunt Princess Irene, and the Duke and Duchess of Bragança.

Prince Kardam died following a series of medical conditions stemming from a disastrous car accident in August 2008.

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