Guillaume and Stéphanie Attend Mauthausen Anniversary

  May 10, 2015 at 2:37 pm by

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Alongside 22,000 others, Luxembourg’s Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie were today present at the commemorations marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp in Austria.

The couple – both wearing a blue and white striped neck scarf bearing a red triangle with the letter ‘L’ in the centre, this was symbolic of the ‘badges’ the Luxembourger prisoners had to wear while at Nazi camps – took part in the official ceremony with camp survivors, their families, and political delegations from 50 countries. Prince Guillaume laid a wreath during the ceremony.

Earlier, he and Stephanie had laid a wreath at the Luxembourg memorial on the camp grounds, which was built to honour the Luxembourgers who were sent to the camp.

Mauthausen Concentration Camp was the last camp to be liberated when American soldiers came across it on May 5, 1945. Up to an estimated 320,000 people were killed across the camp complex from the time of its opening in 1938.

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