Emperor and Empress of Japan Visit Palau

  April 9, 2015 at 10:39 pm by

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko are currently in Palau, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean and a former Japanese colony, to mark the upcoming anniversary of the Japanese surrender in World War Two.

View the full image at Japan Times

View the full image at Japan Times

The purpose of the couple’s visit is to honour the Japanese and American soldiers who died during the Battle of Peleliu between September and November 1944. Almost 11,000 Japanese soldiers and almost 1,600 US soldiers were killed in the battle. Further loses occurred during the concurrent Battle of Angaur.

The Emperor and Empress laid flowers at both the Japanese and American monuments on the island of Peleliu today. They also met with Japanese veterans who fought in the battle and Palau locals during their time on the island.

Emperor Akihito, whose father Hirohito was the war-time Emperor, said prior to the trip that, “In this year to mark the milestone anniversary…we must never forget that the beautiful Pacific Islands experienced such a sad history.”

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