Jogger arrested near Villa Eikenhorst

  April 9, 2009 at 3:27 am by

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A jogger was arrested recently near Villa Eikenhorst, home of the prince of Orange and his family. The jogger wanted to lock his bicycle to one of the fences of the private estate, so he could jog in part of the estate ‘De Horsten’ that is open to the public. The place where van Zijll de Jong stored his car is however a forbidden area. When the jogger and his bicycle were spotted by the Royal Marechaussee and he was not able to show an ID card, he was arrested by three members of the marachaussee, handcuffed, taken to the security building of the estate for one hour and a half, after which he was taken to the police station of Wassenaar.

Van Zijll de Jong feels that the reaction of the marachaussee was out of proportion and has filed an official complaint. He also intends to file a complaint with the national ombudsman, to evaluate the behavior of the three marechaussee officers.

Read the article in Dutch here.

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