Felipe VI Proclaimed King of Spain

  June 19, 2014 at 7:41 pm by

Following the abdication ceremony for King Juan Carlos yesterday at the Palacio Real in Madrid, his successor Felipe VI was proclaimed King this morning in Madrid.

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In a modest show of pomp and in glorious sunshine, the King accompanied by Queen Letizia and their two daughters, Leonor and Sofia, left the Zarzuela Palace following a family photoshoot. The Royal Family – who were escorted by an impressive military escort – arrived at the Spanish Cortes (Parliament) buildings in Madrid.

Here, King Felipe VI took his oaths and was proclaimed King of Spain and afterwards  delivered his first address as King. Sitting beside him on the royal dais were Queen Letizia, the new Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia. Watching proudly from the gallery were Queen Sofia, Infanta Elena and her son Don Felipe de Marichalar,  Infantas Pilar and Margarita with her husband Don Carlos, Duke of Soria. Members of Queen Letizia’s family, including her mother, were also present.

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Following a military review, the King and Queen in an open top Rolls Royce made their way through the streets of Madrid and on towards the Palacio Real. Thousands of cheering crowds greeted the King and Queen along the route.

Later Felipe, Letizia and the girls made a balcony appearance, waving to the crowds below. They were joined soon after by King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia to rapturous burst of applause and cheering.

The King and Queen then hosted a reception at the Palace to mark the King’s accession to the throne, which ended this historic day for the Spanish monarchy.

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