Infanta Margarita Celebrates Her 75th Birthday

  March 7, 2014 at 9:13 pm by

Infanta Margarita of Spain, Duchess of Soria and Hernani celebrates her 75th birthday on March 6th.

A younger sister of King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Margarita was born in 1938 in Rome, Italy and has been blind since birth. Her full name is Margarita María de la Victoria Esperanza Jacoba Happiness Perpetua de Todos los Santos. Margarita is also the youngest child of the late Count and Countess of Barcelona, and was born during the Royal Family’s exile during the final years of the Spanish Civil War. Margarita has an older sister, Infanta Pilar Duchess of Badajoz.

On October 12th, 1972 Infanta Margarita married Carlos Zurita, a medical doctor, at Estoril in Portugal. Upon marriage the Infanta renounced her and her children’ss rights to the throne. The couple have two children: Don Alfonso Juan Carlos Zurita y de Borbón,  born in 1973, and Doña María Sofía Emilia Carmen Zurita y de Borbón, born in 1975.

In 1981 she inherited the Dukedom of Hernani and was also granted the Dukedom of Soria for her lifetime by her brother. Infanta Margarita does not carry out an official duties on behalf of the Spanish Crown, but has attended the vast majority of Spanish Royal Family events. The Infanta is well known for her deep love of both classical and rock music.

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