Belgium’s Prince Amedeo Engaged

  February 15, 2014 at 7:16 am by

The Belgian Royal Court has announced the engagement of Prince Amedeo to Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein.

“Their Royal Highnesses Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz announce with great pleasure the engagement of His Royal Highness Prince Amedeo with Miss Elisabetta Maria Rosboch von Wolkenstein,” the official statement provided to the Belgian press read.

Photos and a video of the engaged couple are expected to be released tomorrow.

Prince Amedeo is the eldest son of Princess Astrid of Belgium and her husband, Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este. He is the eldest grandchild of King Albert II of Belgium, and heir to the headship of the House of Austria-Este after his father.

Elisabetta, known more commonly as Lili, is of Italian descent, the daughter of Ettore Rosboch von Wolkenstein and Countess Lilia Smecchia. She was born in Rome, and attended Lycée Chateaubriand and Queen Mary University of London. She currently works as a journalist in the United States, where she lives with Amedeo.

The couple, who have been dating for over five years, were seen this week being blessed by Pope Francis at the Vatican alongside hundreds of other engaged couples, leading to intense speculation in recent days that an engagement was imminent.

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