Prince Harry Begins South Pole Trek

  November 22, 2013 at 10:55 pm by

View the full image at the Daily Mail

On November 22, Prince Harry began his trek to the South Pole with Walking with the Wounded, of which he is patron. Harry and his team were due to fly to Antarctica on November 20, but due to poor weather, they had to stay behind in South Africa until it was safe enough to fly.

Joining the Prince is a group of 12 celebrities and injured servicemen, amongst them are Kate Philip, Guy Disney, Richard Eyre, Ibrar Ali, Domonic West and Duncan Slater.

View the full image at the Daily Mail

Prince Harry and his team boarded a plane which landed at the Russian Novolazarevskaya Station and arrived at the Novo airbase in Antarctica earlier in the afternoon of November 22. The trek is 222 miles long and temperatures can range from -3°C to -45°C and the wind can travel from up to 50mph.

Harry commented that “all the men and women behind me have achieved so much just to get here, let alone actually walk to the South Pole” and “this trip is another way of reminding everybody that as Afghanistan draws down and these guys aren’t in the news any more… the support must continue”.

For videos of Harry and his team’s arrival, click here.

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