Jordan Royals Support Their National Football Team

  November 14, 2013 at 6:18 am by

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King Abdullah II and Queen Rania of Jordan joined thousands of their citizens yesterday, attending part of the Jordanian national football match against Uruguay that took place in Amman International Stadium.

The King and Queen were accompanied by their daughter Princess Iman and son Prince Hashem. They arrived to the stadium at the begining of the second half.

The match was the first leg qualifying for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and was also attended by other royal family members, including Prince Ali bin Al Hussein, head of the Jordanian Football Association and Vice President of FIFA.

A few days back, Petra News Agency published a letter sent by Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah, who is currently studying abroad, to Prince Ali, wishing him and the national team all the success.

Unfortunately, the game ended with a crushing defeat for Jordan (5:0) that dashed the hopes of the Royal Family, as well as Jordanians to participate in World Cup for the first time in their history.

Regardless of the big loss, the King and Prince Ali expressed their pride in the team and players through several tweets published by the Royal Court and Prince Ali’s official Twitter pages.

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