AMADE, Fight Aids Monaco Agreement

  April 3, 2009 at 2:55 pm by

HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover and her sister HSH Princess Stephanie of Monaco, in their roles as President of AMADE and Fight Aids Monaco respectively, renewed the 2008 agreement between the organizations to assist AIDS orphans in Burundi. The signing took place during the 46th Annual AMADE Assembly in Monaco which took place April 2 and 3 and included a benefit dinner in the Empire Room of the Hotel de Paris on April 2.

AMADE (Association mondiale des Amis de l’Enfance) was founded in 1963 by Princess Grace of Monaco to help children throughout the world. HRH Princess Caroline was elected to the Presidency in 1993. Fight Aids Monaco began in 2004 from two smaller organizations after Princess Stephanie became alarmed about the high rate of AIDS infection in Monaco.

Today’s agreement continues an ambitious three year work agreement that continues to support both organization’s goals to help more than 830,000 Burundi orphans with basic services like medical care and prevention campaigns.

More information can be found in this thread.

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