Count Christian Laid To Rest

  May 29, 2013 at 11:30 am by

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The late Count Christian of Rosenborg was today laid to rest following a private funeral service at the Lyngby Church in Lyngby.

Amongst the mourners were Queen Margrethe II, Prince Henrik, Princess Marie, Princess Benedikte, and Princess Astrid of Norway. The group were greeted at the church doors by the Count’s three daughters, Countesses Josephine, Camilla and Feodora.

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The Count’s casket, adorned with the Dannebrog and his Order of the Elephant collar, was carried from the church at the conclusion of the service by his sons-in-law, brother Ingolf and several friends. The mourners, led by Count Christian’s widow Countess Anne Dorte, sang the traditional Danish funeral hymn, Altid frejdig, når du går (Always cheerful when you go), before the Count’s casket was taken for burial.

According to Billed Bladet, a wake was held at a nearby restaurant, Lottenborg.

Count Christian passed away on Tuesday May 21st at the age of seventy.

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