Princess Astrid on RBM tour

  March 28, 2009 at 6:18 pm by

On 27 March, Princess Astrid, Special Representative for Roll Back Malaria, left on a visit around Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to raise consciousness in these countries about the devastating consequences of malaria, and how this disease can easily be prevented. She is accompanied by Prof. Dr. Awa Coll-Seck.

Click to see the entire image.

Click to see the entire image.

On her first day, she met with Saudi Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, President of the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, with whom she discussed the ways in which Belgium and Saudi Arabia can work together to fight malaria. Later, she also visited the King Abdulaziz medical city of the National Guard in Riyadh, where she was briefed about the the latest twin separation surgery and the medical condition of the infants. The Princess took the time to talk to the medical staff at the hospital and willingly posed with them for pictures.

The Princess will also visit Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

See here for pictures, see here for info on RBM.
For a discussion of the visit, see this thread.

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