Successfully Surgery for King Juan Carlos

  March 5, 2013 at 9:08 am by

March 3rd, 2013 – Madrid

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The Spanish Royal Court announced on Monday that the surgery on His Majesty the King for a herniated disc on his spine was a success.

The 75 year old Spanish Monarch entered the La Milagrosa Clinic in Madrid on Sunday and greeted the awaiting media with a jovial “Here I go again”, which was obviously a reference to the health problems of the King over the past few years. The operation lasted 3 hours and was performed by neurosurgeon Manuel de la Torre.

The King later received visits from Queen Sofia accompanied by her two daughters, Infantas Elena and Cristina. The Prince and Princess of Asturias also paid a visit, as did the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy.

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