Beatrice and Eugenie Represent Britain in Germany on Their First Official Foreign Visit

  January 19, 2013 at 3:03 pm by

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Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie undertook their first joint official foreign duty to help promote British business in Germany. The royal sisters were in Berlin on request from Prime Minister David Cameron for a two-day tour promoting the Britain as part of the GREAT Campaign – a global initiative to attract visitors, business and students to the UK.

The sisters began the tour to Berlin and Hanover by driving a Mini emblazoned with the Union Jack from the Brandenburg Gate to the nearby British embassy. The iconic British-made car is now owned by a German company and is, as Princess Beatrice put it, one of the many examples of the successful cooperation between Britain and Germany. The car Beatrice and Eugenie drove will continue to tour all 16 German provinces.

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Princess Beatrice addressed a press conference at the British embassy in Berlin, winning over the impressive number of representatives of German press by beginning her speech in German. She then continued in English: “The campaign is our national effort to get people to come to the United Kingdom and enjoy everything we have to offer. We’ve got so much we’d love people around the world to come and enjoy – beautiful countryside, lively cities and some of the world’s most wonderful museums. The Great Campaign also has a serious business side – Britain has trend setting fashion, ground-breaking scientists, and innovative technology companies. It is also a welcoming home for investors. We’re here to encourage more German businesses to join the thousands that are developing successful partnerships in Britain.”

After Berlin, Beatrice and Eugenie travelled to Hanover, where they were warmly greeted at the City Hall by the Mayor. Their Royal Highnesses were stylish, poised and eloquent, and marked the historic occasion by signing the famous Golden Book. Throughout the trip, the sisters were praised for being poised, eloquent and very stylish.

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