Infanta Margarita attends Bruce Springsteen Concert

  June 21, 2012 at 10:38 am by

Madrid – June 17th, 2012

Her Royal Highness Infanta Margarita of Spain attended Bruce Springsteen’s sell-out Madrid concert on June 17th.

The younger sister of King Juan Carlos I joined up to 60,000 fans of ‘The Boss’ at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium in Madrid. The Infanta was among many famous faces, including actor Danny DeVito and several high profile Spanish celebrities.

Infanta Margarita, the Duchess of Soria and Hernani is a noted keen music lover of many genres and is often photographed attending concerts, both classical and rock.

The concert by Springsteen and the E Street Band is reported to have played for 3 hours and 48 minutes, making it the longest concert in his career.

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