Royal Invitations

  March 20, 2009 at 5:57 am by

Next Thursday I am attending a Presentation of Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards in St. James’s Palace, London as a member of Staff, I recently received my invitation card for the event so I decided to write the following blog on Royal invitations.

Invitations from Buckingham Palace are an exciting item of post which often the leaves the recipient confused and bewildered. It requires a precise form of reply and will led you on your way to wonderful experience with Her Majesty The Queen or one of the members of The Royal Family.

Last week I was delighted to learn that:

The Private Secretary to The Earl of Wessex
is desired by His Royal Highness to invite
To a reception for Young People who have achieved a Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
at St James’s Palace
on Thursday 26th March 2009

I already knew of my attendance at this particular event (as a member of DofE Staff) however it was still lovely to receive the stiff white card with an engraved gold E (HRH’s cypher).

The Queen’s invitation’s follow a similar format though Her Majesty commands rather than desires. The Lord Chamberlain sends invitations for Garden Parties, Weddings and state occasion, The Lord Stewart for State Banquets and The Master of The Household for more private events like Luncheons and afternoon teas.

When one receives a Royal invitation it is important to reply correctly. The Queen’s commands can only be refused in the case of illness, a family wedding or other similar significant excuse.

I wrote back to The Private Secretary to inform his that “Royal Protocol presents his compliments to the Private Secretary to The Earl of Wessex and has the honour to accept His Royal Highness’s kind invitation to St. James’s Palace on Thursday, 26th March 2009”. You can read about my last visit to St. James’s Palace here: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award Experiences

In the case of The Queen one has :the honour to obey Her Majesty’s command” – for more information on this see my article at The Royal Articles here: Protocol and Etiquette: A very Royal Perspective

I will hopefully post a review of the event here at the Royal Forums next week!

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