Dutch Royals attend Remembrance and Liberation Day

  May 11, 2012 at 9:39 am by

As usual every year, on May 4 and 5, the Dutch Royals attend Remembrance and Liberation Day services.

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On May 4, Queen Beatrix accompanied by Prince of Orange and Princess Maxima attended a remembrance ceremony at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. Then took place the wreath-laying ceremony at the World War II Memorial at the monument in Dam Square.

The same day, Princess Margriet, Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven and Prince Pieter-Christiaan were in Rhenen to attend the commemorative military ceremony at the military field of honour for professional soldiers and conscripts who have fallen for the Kingdom since 1940.

On May 5, Liberation Day, Prince Willem Alexander attended the official launch of the National Celebration of Liberation in the province of Brabant. The event took palce at the Great Church in Breda, in the presence of the German President, Joachim Gauck.

In the evening the Queen, along with the President Gauck and his wife, was present at the traditional concert in occasion of the closing celebration of National Liberation, at the Amstel River in Amsterdam.

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