Royal Wedding Bells in Tbilisi

  February 9, 2009 at 1:09 pm by

02/08/2009 Royalists in Georgia rejoice as two branches of the dynasty that once ruled Georgia are joining forces by the marriage of Prince David Bagration-Mukhransky (32) and Princess Anna Bagration-Gruzinsky (31). The wedding was celebrated on February 8th, the day Georgia commemorates King David the Builder, who ruled from 1089 to 1125 and is considered Georgia’s greatest king.

Prince David and Princess Anna

Click the image to see the photos at Hola!

The couple married in Tbilisi’s Trinity Cathedral in front of 3000 guests and crowds of well-wishers gathered outside. The wedding was broadcast live on Georgia’s television, and among the guests was Georgia’s president Mikheil Saakashvili. The groom was dressed in a traditional Georgian costume with a khanjali dagger belted to his waist.

Prince David was born in Spain and only moved to Georgia in 2003. “Life in Spain is more comfortable but my place is here,” he once explained. On the wedding day the brides father, prince Nugzar Bagration-Gruzinsky commented: “The most important thing is that this day will be beneficial for Georgia’s future.” A recent phone-survey shows that 40% of the responders are in favor of a constitutional monarchy, though the bride had other things on her mind: “I hope that this day will be the happiest of my life,” she commented to Georgian television just before the ceremony started.

For more information about the wedding, see this thread and this blog. For more information about the Georgian Royal Families, see this thread.

A YouTube video of the wedding is available here:

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