Princess Marie, Patron of AIDS Foundation

  December 1, 2011 at 10:05 pm by

HRH Princess Marie of Denmark has become the patron of Denmark’s AIDS Foundation (AIDS-Fondet). The appointment was announced earlier today, fittingly on World AIDS Day.

The AIDS-Fondet works to combat HIV/AIDS both in Denmark and worldwide, with a special focus on HIV/AIDS research and assisting those who have the disease.

Read more about the AIDS-Fondet at their website

In a statement released by the Princess, she says that as patron she “hopes to be able to break down the prejudices, which makes many HIV-infected individuals live in isolation and fear of others’ reactions. At the same time, I want to support AIDS-Fondet’s focus on research in medicine, which can help future generations to grow up without HIV/AIDS.”

As Henriette Laursen, the director of the AIDS-Fondet, said on the foundation’s website, the disease is still “taboo” and in Denmark, many people living with HIV/AIDS fail to tell their closest family and friends of their disease, because of the stigma attached to it. She hopes that Princess Marie as patron will increase support for HIV/AIDS in the country.

At the start of October, Princess Marie was present at the AIDS-Fondet’s anniversary gala in Copenhagen.

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