Crown Prince Haakon Awards Two Prizes

  November 19, 2011 at 4:51 am by

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Crown Prince Haakon handed out the award “Role Model of the Year” at the Nobel Peace Center on November 14, 2011. The prize – now awarded for the seventh time – goes to an adult immigrant who makes an extraordinary effort for children and adolescents. This year Cecilia Dinardi received it for “her commitment to children’s welfare and asylum seeking children.”

She came from Chile to Norway when she was 12 years old. Over sixteen years, she helped to establish the ‘Landsforeningen for Barnevernsbarn’, an organization for children who are or have been under children’s welfare.

View the full iamge at Rogalands Avis

On November 16, 2011, Crown Prince Haakon attended a seminar with Pøbelprosjektet in Stavanger, where he awarded this year’s Pøbelprize to Tore Christiansen. Pøbelprosjektet, one of the projects the Kronprinsparets Fond has chosen to support, is about getting struggling young people placed in businesses with the goal that they should either go back to school or continue working.

Tore Christiansen has worked together with Pøbelprosjektet for a long time and employs many young people in his business SFF (Senter for Fremragende Forskning) in Sandnes, which Crown Prince Haakon visited earlier the day.

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