Who Might be Saudi’s Next Heir?

  October 26, 2011 at 4:34 am by

Since the death of Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Sultan on Saturday, the seat of Crown Prince has been empty.

King Abdullah is to name a Crown Prince today or in the next few days, which will be chosen through the “allegiance council,” established by King Abdullah in 2006. Even though the Crown Prince had a deputy, Interior Minister Prince Nayef, the position does not go automatically to him. The council is made up of by a 33-member council composed of King Abdullah’s brothers and cousins, once they have chosen the successor, King Abdullah will have the final word.

If the King appoints Prince Nayef as Crown Prince, it is most likely that Prince Salman, Governor of Riyadh, will be appointed as his deputy. Other than a vegancy of the Crown Prince position, if Prince Nayef gets the position, he will step down from his current position as Interior Minister.

The King also has to appoint a Defence Minister, a post held by Crown Prince Sultan. The position is most likely to go to his son, Prince Khaled bin Sultan, who is the Deputy Defence Minister. The Prince led the Saudi Army in the Persian Gulf War.

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