Charles and Camilla To Meet Pope

  March 14, 2009 at 1:34 pm by

It’s been announced that the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are to meet with Pope Benedict on a visit to the Vatican this April. Before their audience, they’ll pay an official visit to Italy. It’s believed that Their Royal Highnesses will carry with them an invitation to the Pope to visit Great Britain though such an invitation was apparantly offered by Gordon Brown when he visited the Vatican earlier in the year, something the Vatican denies.

Either way, this visit will be an interesting one and there’s bound to be sarky comments on two divorcees visiting the Head of the Catholic Church (comments which will make very little sense to those with half a brain but still they’ll come from the usual sources) but if the Pope does visit Great Britain he’s more than likely to be met with protests as LGBT organisations have already begun to prepare demonstrations against the Pontiff’s visit (according to the Gay Times that is). For those not concerned with such matters, it could prove to be a tiara outing for Her Royal Highness.

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