Australia’s Other Royal Visitor – Princess Birgitta

  October 23, 2011 at 1:00 am by

Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh are not the only royals that are currently in Australia – Princess Birgitta of Sweden and Hohenzollern is also visiting the country. The Princess is spending four days in the Sydney area, marking the 100th anniversary of the Swedish-Australian Chamber of Commerce (SACC).

View the full image at The Sydney Morning Herald

Princess Birgitta arrived on October 19th, sans a large security detail, later telling The Mosman Daily that she prefers travelling by herself. She spent Thursday October 20th in Sydney, golfing at The Lakes Golf Club during the day and then attending a gala dinner to mark the SACC anniversary in Darling Harbour. The dinner was attended by the Swedish Ambassador to Australia, Sven-Olof Petersson, and Australian Member of Parliament Malcolm Turnbull. Representatives from several Swedish companies, including Volvo and Ericsson, were also present.

On Friday morning, the Princess was guest of honour at a brunch held at the Burnt House restaurant in Mosman, hosted by the SACC. The brunch was described by the SACC President Malcolm Bush as a chance for “Swedish women who live in Sydney to meet and mingle with the princess.” Princess Birgitta continued with her clothing theme of beige and pale-toned colours for the brunch, wearing a wrap-around top.

Saturday was a private day for Princess Birgitta, taking a helicopter ride along New South Wales’ central coast. She departs from Sydney, destined possibly for South Africa where she will be competing in a golf tournament in the coming week, today, October 23rd.

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