Princess Astrid continues to represent Roll Back Malaria Partnership

  March 14, 2009 at 6:18 am by

The Belgian Royal Family is proud to announce on their website that Princess Astrid, only daughter of King Albert II, will continue to be a Goodwill Ambassador for the Roll Back Malaria programme of the WHO, UNICEF and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Her term will be extended with another two years – so the Princess said herself last Friday. Her new term will begin at the end of this month.

In the past years, the Princess has been very active for this organization, and she visited numerous projects, among others in Zambia (April 2008) and Tanzania (September 2007). Only recently, she was named “Royal of the Year” by Malaria Foundation International, in recognition of her efforts to fight the disease, which still claims millions of deaths worldwide every year.


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Princess Astrid will visit the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia from 27 March to 3 April, accompanied by Professor Awa-Marie Coll-Seck, the Executive Director of the “Roll Back Malaria Partnership”. On 25 April, the Princess will participate in the activities on World Malaria Awareness Day. Yesterday, 13 March, she attended the press conference of the RBM Partnership programme at the Residence Palace in Brussels.

The Princess is the first Royal Special Representative for RBM.

For more information on the RBM programme, see here.
See here for an article in Dutch and French.
For more information about Princess Astrid and her activities, see here.

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