Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, September Events

  October 3, 2011 at 3:37 pm by


Swedish Coat of Arms

September 2nd;
Crown Princess Victoria attended the 75-year anniversary of the Swedish National Union of Local Government Officers at Stockholm City Hall on Friday evening.

View a gallery at RIXFM

September 5th;
Prince Daniel participated in a UNICEF fundraising event at Operakällaren. That morning a breakfast seminar was held for celebrities before golf tournament Operakällaren Trophy.

The contest, in which a host of familiar names like Mats Sundin, Hans Fahlen, Peppe Eng, Ernst Billgren and Eve Roese participate, will be held for the fifth consecutive year and brings together this year, money for UNICEF’s work on famine in the Horn of Africa.

Daniel was sitting next to Professor Hans Blix, former Secretary General of the UN International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA. He spoke also with the staff from UNICEF.

September 5th;
Crown Princess Victoria received Mr. Vassilios Skouris, President of the European Court of Justice, at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.

September 7th;
Prince Daniel attended the seminar “Better health – lower government debt” in Stockholm.

September 12th;
Crown Princess Victoria was seen detaching the Brig Tre Kronor af Stockholm as a part of the seminar “Sustainable Seas”.

September 13th;
Crown Princess Victoria attended the annual IPC meeting at the Palace het Loo in Apeldoorn, Netherlands.

View the image at Kungahuset

September 14th;
Prince Daniel made a visit to the Chamber of Commerce in Stockholm.

September 18th;
Victoria attended today at a memorial ceremony to commemorate the death of Dag Hammarskjöld in Uppsala.

September 21st;
Crown Princess Victoria attended an emergency exercise near the North Swedish city of Jokkmokk. The Baltics Rescue operation was a joint exercise with participation of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia.

From the Avatar Gallery

September 22nd;
Princess Victoria attended the inauguration of the “Victoria Square” in the twin-town Haparanda Tornio.

View the image at Belga

September 27th;
Crown Princess Victoria attended the opening of the General Synod in Uppsala.

September 28th;
Crown Princess Victoria attended the opening of the new recreation centre for children and teenagers in Palatset.

September 29th;
Crown Princess Victoria has made a visit to Radiumhemmet for radiotherapy in Stockholm.

*Information regarding this events is courtesy of TRF members LadyFinn and iceflower

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