New Bismarck Descendant Born in Milan

  March 11, 2009 at 5:48 am by

On March 3rd a daughter was born to count Gregor von Bismarck and his wife, countess Samantha. The baby, named Wilhelmina, was born in Milan and she has two older brothers named Léon and Otis.

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Count Gregor von Bismarck is the 3rd son of Fürst Ferdinand von Bismarck and his wife Fürstin Elisabeth, née countess Lippens. He worked as a film producer and as an actor in the past and married the Italian Samantha della Schiava in 2001.

Count Gregor is the great-great-grandson of the legendary Fürst Otto van Bismarck, chancellor of the German Empire in the 19th century.

Read more about the Bismarck family in this thread at TRF. Courtesy to TRF member sjetajiem.

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