Grand Duke Admitted to Hospital; Undergoes Angioplasty

  February 4, 2011 at 6:07 am by

Grand Duke Henri was admitted to the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg yesterday, after complaining to the court physican of chest pains.

A brief statement was released by the Grand Ducal Court a short time later, stating the Grand Duke was in a stable condition. It did not disclose a reason for his hospitalisation, however, the Grand Duke underwent an angioplasty later that afternoon.

A statement released by the Communications Chief announced the surgery as a success, having taked place at the Institut National de Chirurgie Cardiaque et de Cardiologie Interventionnelle, in conjunction with the cardiac unit from the Centre Hospitalier. “The state of His Royal Highness’ health is not disturbing,” the statement read, before stating the Grand Duke may leave hospital within the next few days.

An angioplasty is a procedure where a balloon catheter is guided into a narrow or obstructed blood vessel, usually around the coronary arteries, and then inflated to open the blood vessel up and improve blood flow; before the balloon is deflated and removed.

Click here to read more information as it becomes available on the Grand Duke’s health.

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