Swedish Royals host Riksdag Supper

  November 28, 2010 at 4:17 pm by

On Wednesday 24 November, The King and Queen hosted a supper for the members of the Riksdag at the Royal Palace of Stockholm. The King and Queen, The Crown Princess Couple and Princess Madeleine began the evening by welcoming all the members. The 400 or so guests then gathered in the Hall of State for a concert.

Click on the image to see more pictures from Belga

The supper was held in the Banqueting Rooms and the Bernadotte Apartments at the Palace. Prince Carl-Phillip was absent from the event, due to concentrating on his studies.

The King escorted the Minister for Children and the Elderly Maria Larsson to the table. The Queen was escorted to the table by Speaker Per Westerberg. The Crown Princess was escorted to the table by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education Jan Björklund. Prince Daniel escorted Minister for Communications Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd to the table. Princess Madeleine was escorted to the table by Minister for Agriculture Eskil Erlandsson.

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