Danish Royal Youngsters Make an Appearance

  November 10, 2010 at 2:19 am by

The Hubertus Hunt takes place in Deer Park every autumn and this year there were several special guests. Royal children Prince Christian, Princess Isabella and their cousins Princes Nikolai and Felix came along accompanied by Prince Henrik and the Crown Prince Couple.

View the image at Billed Bladet

The children watched the proceedings from the small royal hunting palace located in Deer Park. They were able to observe the various riders, both young and old, ride out in all their finery and tackle various obstacles.

Of course children will always find other ways of amusing themselves. Nikolai and Christian had an arm wrestle (Christian “won”) and Felix made bunny ears behind Nikolai and Christian’s back. The Crown Princess was also seen to join in. And Isabella? She was happy licking the windows!

One notable missing small royal was little Prince Henrik, who was likely at home in Shackenborg with his mum and dad Princess Marie and Prince Joachim. However at age one, he was maybe too young to enjoy the older children’s games. Henrik won’t be the youngest member of the family for long though. Crown Princess Mary is due to give birth to twins in January 2011.

Click here to view a video of the Hunt.

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