Albert II and Fiancee in Japan

  November 2, 2010 at 3:19 am by

Prince Albert II of Monaco has brought his bride-to-be, Charlene Wittstock, to the Palace of Tokyo, where she was introduced to the Emperor and Empress of Japan. There aren’t many royals who make Grimaldis seem tall, but Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko certainly do! Their Imperial Majesties stood approximately a head shorter than the Prince and Miss Wittstock, who visited Japan in order to attend the X Conference of the Parties (COP-10) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which concluded in the city of Nagoya on 29 October.

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The CBD assessed whether COP-10 had achieved its three interlinked goals in meeting the objectives of the CBD, and the CBD established a new ten-year plan for achieving and fulfilling biodiversity on the planet. Also, a “Nagoya Protocol” was adopted. Its full title: The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization. The 193 “Parties” were represented by 18,000 participants. 122 ministers and five heads of state and government, including the Sovereign of Monaco, attended the conference.

The visit of Prince Albert and Miss Wittstock to Japan came at the time of publication of an interview of the future Princess of Monaco in Tatler magazine. In the magazine, she confessed to having a limited number of real friends in Monaco and to having experienced a few social challenges among the elite of the small, but glamorous Principality. She also admitted to having to learn, the hard way, the do’s and don’ts of gala fashion, and she talked about her passion for rugby and the fact that she introduced Prince Albert to cricket, a sport he now loves. Miss Wittstock said that, as Princess, she hopes to bring a Starbucks and a Manolo Blahnik boutique to Monaco.

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