Lovingly Remembered after 20 Years: Stefano Casiraghi (1960-1990)

  October 8, 2010 at 8:42 am by

On October 3rd, the Como village Fino Mornasco commemorated the twentieth anniversary of the death of one of its sons. He was born and educated there, at its Collegio Gallio, and at the age of 23, his marriage to Princess Caroline of Monaco made him famous far beyond the shores of Italy. But Stefano Casiraghi was beloved by his family and friends, as well as the community of Fino Mornasco, for himself.

In thirty years, he founded, chaired, directed, and presided over a handful of companies and franchises; he was a champion of offshore racing; and he was the father of three small children.

This year, on the anniversary of the day his catamaran flipped off the shore of Monaco, where he was defending his World title, his mother, Fernanda, and other relatives and friends laid flowers at the site of his memorial. Surrounded by children and grandchildren, Fernanda Casiraghi spoke a little bit to reporters about her late son, who was her youngest of four children. But there were notable absences. Of the four children, only Daniele and Rosalba appeared alongside the family’s matriarch. There was no sign of Marco, who, being the eldest of Stefano’s siblings, has been the patriarch since the 1998 death of their father, Fernanda’s husband, Giancarlo. There was also no appearance of Princess Caroline, who, Fernanda told reporters, still calls her Mama. There was no appearance of the three children of Caroline and Stefano (Andrea, 26; Charlotte, 24; Pierre, 23) although there was a rumor, observed in the Spanish ¡Hola!, that Andrea attended the private dinner after the public tributes. In fairness, there weren’t many family members at the public ceremonies. Daniele’s pretty blonde daughter, named Fernanda after her grandmother, was alone from the the third generation to join the matriarch at the commemorative events, which, besides the flower tribute, included a charity soccer match (benefiting the Green Cross of Fino) and a photographic tribute to Stefano’s vibrant, but too-short life, by the acclaimed photographer Mario Brenna.

Stefano’s townsfolk would like that he is remembered not as the consort of Monaco’s “First Lady” but as the energetic entrepreneur and sportsman that he was.

A commemorative photo gallery can be found here.

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