No to Terrorism!

  June 30, 2010 at 12:41 am by

On June 27th, for the very first time in the Congress of the Deputies, King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofí­a presided over a ceremony in remembrance and tribute to the victims of terrorism.

The reason of this date? On this same day, in 1960, the terrorist group ETA killed someone for the first time, a 22 month old baby, Begoña Urroz Ibarrola. So, after last March 11th, for the 6th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Madrid, the Congress of the Deputies declared that June 27th is the Tribute Day to Victims of Terrorism.

The King and the Queen were received by María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, first vice-president of the Government; José Bono, president of the Congress of the Deputies; Javier Rojo, president of the Senate; María Emilia Casas, president of the Constitutional Court; and Carlos Dívar, president of the Supreme Court.

In his speech, King Juan Carlos said that “for those who share the same passion for life and freedom, this is the day to retell the most firm condemnation towards the terrorist violence…The terrorism is, in essence, evil, coward and unjustifiable, contrary to the human rights and the democratic values.”

The King also mentioned that to end terrorism, that it is a priority to every free and democratic country, every instrument of the State will be needed.

After the solemn act, the Kings went to the lobby Isabel II to greet the representatives of the terrorism victims.

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