Jordanian Princesses Attend the 5th Congress of APOCP

  April 9, 2010 at 5:12 am by

From the TRF Avatar Gallery

HRH Princesses Ghida Talal and Dina Mired were invited, as guests of honor, to participate in the 5th Congress of the Asian Pacific Organisation for Cancer Prevention (APOCP) which was held on April 3-7, 2010 in Istanbul (Turkey).

Under the title “Prevention of cancer: Time to move from fiction to action” Princess Ghida, the Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), presented the keynote opening speech of the 5th International APOCP on April 4th, 2010.

During her speech, she presented the efforts of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center in spreading cancer treatment, prevention and control in Jordan, emphasising that KHCC is one of the best cancer care centres in the region and explained the centre’s role in training doctors and raising public awareness on early detection and prevention.

Their Highnesses also visited Maslak Acibadem hospital and gave an interview to the Turkish newspaper “Sabah”. In this interview the Princesses talked about their personal cancer experiences with their families when Princess Ghida’s husband, Prince Talal, had lymphoma and Princess Dina’s son, Prince Rakan, had Leukaemia.

To read the interview click here.

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