Queen Rania in Egypt

  March 2, 2010 at 12:07 am by

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah has delivered a speech/lecture at the American University in Cairo (AUC). The speech was to encourage people to look beyond themselves and find inspiration in the principles of civic engagement to work towards the good of their communities and transform the future of the Middle East.

From the TRF Avatar Gallery

“Often, social progress doesn’t come from governments looking down, directing change. It comes from communities, families and individuals looking up, driving society forward themselves, fuelled by nothing more than an idea or instinct to do good. It comes from civic engagement,” Queen Rania told over 1,000 students. She went on saying, “I’m tired of the Middle East being perceived as a fractious, fragmented region, when we’re renowned for our loving devotion to our families, when our culture is built on a foundation of compassion and charity.”

Later that day, Her Majesty (who is founder of the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group [ASLG]) attended and launched the ASLG Egypt. The launch is to encourage businesses across the region to balance profit with environmental protection and equal opportunities. Queen Rania told ASLG members, “Sustainability is an opportunity not only to tap into new markets, but to cultivate brand loyalty in local communities and large parts of society. It’s a chance to develop the skills of your employees and the next generation of employees. It’s a chance for the private sector to show they are taking part in solving society’s problems,” and went on saying, “Others have taken matters into their own hands, while we sit still on our ships waiting for the government to blow the winds of change into our sails and land us on more prosperous shores.”

Click here to view the thread dedicated to Rania’s visit to Egypt.

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