Duke and Duchess of Bragança Attend Charity Dinner for Haiti Victims

  February 3, 2010 at 1:48 am by

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On January 27th the duke of Bragança, head of the Portuguese royal house, and his wife Dona Isabel, attended a charity dinner that was held for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Apart from the duke and duchess a lot of other Portuguese socialites and celebrities attended the dinner, like the Brazilian actress Maria das Graças, Maria Jose Galvao de Sousa and the ‘queen’ of Portuguese socialites: Lili Caneças.

The dinner was organized by the Portuguese Red Cross to collect money for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. The event was held in the Casino of the seaside resort Estoril, close to Lisbon. Click here to see a gallery of pictures of the event.

Courtesy: TRF member Elsa M. Click here to see her original post with more pictures.

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