Lower Dotations for Belgian Royals

  January 5, 2010 at 12:45 pm by

The economic crisis also hit the royal court in Brussels, as for the first time in the history of the Belgian royal family, the royal dotations will be lowered during the term of a present government. For 2010, the dotations of members of the royal family will decrease by 2,67%, for 2011 this number will be decreased by 4,01%.

View the photo at hln.be

This means that next year prince Philippe will have 85.000 Euros less to spend. His brother prince Laurent will get 28.000 Euros less while princess Astrid sees her dotation decreased by 25.000 Euros. Queen Fabiola will get 132.000 Euros less than last year. Only the king’s dotation will not be lowered, but since he offered to pay the renovation of the royal palace himself, this means that he will have to tighten his budget this year too.

Filed under Austria-Hungary, Belgium
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