Danish State Visit to Vietnam, Day Three

  November 4, 2009 at 11:50 pm by

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On the third day of the state visit between Denmark and Vietnam, the focus was on HM Queen Margrethe II and HRH Prince Henrik.

The royal couple visited Danish work-wear company Mascot International’s building in Hai Duong, where they were met by the company’s directors, Michael Grosbøl and Thomas Bo Pedersen. Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik were treated to a guided tour of the factory, before attending the awards ceremony of the Corporate Social Responsibility’s honourable prize. The prize was presented to Thomas Bo Pedersen by the Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee in Hai Duong, Ms Nguyen Thi Mihn.

Some history and culture was next on the agenda, as they visited the Kim Lien Pagoda. The Queen and Prince Consort were received by the pagoda’s head monk, who told them of the history and spiritual meaning of the site. They were told of how the pagoda was part of the Tu Hao Palace, ordered to be built by Princess Tu Hoa, a daughter of King Ly Than Tong of the Ly Dynasty. The King then sent his daughter and her maids to the pagoda to make them understand their societal position.

View the image at Billed-Bladet

HM and HRH were then treated to lunch at the Koto Restaurant, where the royals were given a tour of the restaurant and kitchens before being given the opportunity to help the staff make Vietnamese spring rolls. Prince Henrik, who has written many a cookbook, seemed in his element and both he and his wife participated with extreme interest. Queen Margrethe spoke with the press later after the lunch, about Prince Henrik’s connection with Vietnam. “The more I see, the more I sense the world my husband remembers and tells about…I think it’s fascinating to come here, I have thought a lot about my parents-in-law,” she said.

The royal couple retired for the evening, and allowed TRH Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary to take over. The couple attended a rock concert at the Hue Sports Centre, which featured both Danish and Vietnamese artists. Danish rockers The Blue Van were greeted with wild applause by the Crown Prince Couple, who appeared relaxed and enjoyed their evening.

Day four continues tomorrow. View the state visit thread here.

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