Jordanian Princesses call on the International Community to fight cancer

  October 29, 2009 at 6:07 am by

Princesses Ghida Talal and Dina Mired attended on Tuesday the opening of the seminar ‘Combating Cancer and Tobacco Use in the Developing World’ organised by the King Hussein Cancer Foundation in cooperation with the World Health Organisation and hosted by breast cancer activist and WHO Goodwill Ambassador, Nancy Brinker.

Princess Ghida Talal, the Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), said during her speech that 40% of all cancers can be prevented by refraining from smoking and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and added that “we need to go back to the proper diet and stay away from fast food, which is responsible for the increasing incidence of cancer in developing countries, not to mention caused by heart disease and obesity.”

Princess Dina Mired, Director General of the KHCF, appreciated the efforts and achievements of the program in Jordan to breast cancer.During the symposium, Princesses Ghida and Dina signed the document ‘World Youth anti-smoking and cancer’ and called to all world leaders to give this issue a priority in the global agenda for health.

On Sunday, Princess Dina honored the American doctor Ernie Bodai, creator of the Breast Cancer Stamp and founder of non-profit organization Cure Beast Cancer. Jordan is the first Arab country who issued the stamp.
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