Victorious Princess Aiko

  October 18, 2009 at 6:15 pm by

Although she is better known for her love for gardening and pottery, Princess Aiko proved to be a promising sportswomen-in-making yesterday, after helping her team win a relay race.

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As the last member of her team crossed the finish line well ahead of the others, Aiko and the other members of her team run into the field to celebrate their victory. Aiko was a key factor in the victory: she was running second to last and managed to gain a considerable lead, which secured the eventual victory.

The relay contest is an annual event of the Autumn Athletic Festival at the Gakushuin school, where Aiko is a student.

Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako were on hand for their daughter’s big day: seated next to other students’ parents, they couldn’t hide their wide smiles as Aiko confidentially crossed the finish line.

For more pictures and information, visit this thread.

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