Princely Family comes out to Celebrate National Day

  August 20, 2009 at 6:09 am by

Last Saturday, August 15th, the Princely Family of Liechtenstein came out in the country’s capital Vaduz to celebrate National Day. HSH Prince Hans-Adam II, the sovereign of the tiny principality, and his wife HSH Princess Marie Aglaë were at the head of the festivities.

View the image at PPE

The couple were joined by their eldest son, HSH Hereditary Prince Alois, and his family (wife HSH Hereditary Princess Sophie and three of their children Princess Marie-Caroline, Prince Georg and Prince Nikolaus); and their third son HSH Prince Constantin and his family (wife HSH Princess Marie and their children Prince Moritz, Princess Georgina and Prince Benedikt).

The first stop for the Princely Family was an open-air church service; before walking back to Vaduz Castle. Here, the citizens of Vaduz were welcomed by the family to snacks and refreshments, following a speech by the Hereditary Prince, who has been the Regent of Liechtenstein since 2004. This year’s National Day marked the 5th anniversary of Prince Alois becoming Regent for his father.

Prince Alois spoke of the need for Liechtenstein’s public spending to be lowered due to the current economic crisis, even though Liechtenstein was faring well when compared to other nations. The Prince also announced that Liechtenstein’s education system will be reformed.

Following their father’s speech, Princes Georg and Nikolaus tucked into some large pretzels, while their grandfather celebrated the day with a cold beer. All the children, as well as Hans-Adam and Marie Aglaë, were all in high spirits and enjoyed the celebrations.

Click here to read the Liechtenstein National Day thread.

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