Felipe's speech:
I imagine it is obvious to all, because I can neither hide it nor wish to: I am a happy man. And I am certain that this is because I have the feeling of seeing and taking part in a dream come true: I have married the woman I love. To combine
reason with the strength of love and feeling has always been one of my goals in life. That is why today we are celebrating that Letizia and I are uniting our lives in a communion of love, reponsibility, work, respect and mutual giving. Our union will last forever, and we offer it to our families and above all to our destiny, intimately linked to the future of Spaniards.
We face our future with very deep hope and illusion. To serve Spaniards is the great personal and institutional commitment with which Letizia and I set off on this new stage in our lives.
In it we are sure we will find the lasting happiness that every family seeks and desires. Our hope is to start a family. And we wish to reach the necessary balance between what is public and what is private, between duties - which are for life - and the legitimate and necessary family life; knowing that our lives require enough serenity, dedication, constancy and wisdom to weave together the political life and the human life.
Letizia: little more than a year ago we took the first steps that, with love and serenity, have brought us here. It is not a long time, it is not too short a time, but enough to have discovered mutually, sincerely and transparently, that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Day by day our knowledge of each other and our mutual respect, our complicity and the way we complement each other, have grown and bolstered what has so strongly led us together and to marriage. It is also very important - and you have told me this many times - that we find in each other the peace necessary to reflect, enjoy, and share eveything that makes us grow as persons, that makes us proud and helps ut withstand the intensity of our lives. And it is even more important because it must be the fount of family harmony and happiness. I have no doubts that we will achieve this.
Ladies and gentlement:
Today Letizia and I made a commitment that transcends the merely personal. Ever since childhood I have been conscious of my responsibilities, and loyalty to the King and my sense of duty have guided my life. So I take pride that from this day on, and with conviction and responsibility, Letizia joins me in this project. And I want everybody to know how grateful I am to Letizia for her determination and her wholehearted commitment to all that this project entails.
On the road we must travel we have before us the invaluable example of their Majesties the King and Queen: His Majesty the King, who together with a generatio of great patriots achieved the reconciliation of Spaniards, had the leading role in the establishment and consolidation of democracy, and has carried out impeccably his constitutional duties. Her Majesty the Queen, with her unfailing and permanent support for the King, her responsibility, accessability, and her example. Both of them have made the Crown
an institution that serves Spain and that has become beloved and respected by SPaniards.
And although circumstances, and people, may be different, my vocation to continue with this model and with their example of service is firm and unyielding.. It springs from the intimate conviction and my permanent commitment that the Crown continue to contribute to the institutional stability of Spain, to the integration and cohesion of Spaniards, and to act as a guaratee of their liberty and progress.
Your Majesty: Never doubt that we will always think of Spain and that all our lives will be dedicated to the welfare of Spaniards
Today we have sealed our love before God and society; you are all witnesses to that, and to how authentic it is. That is why we are specially happy to share with you, with Madrilenos and with all Spaniards, such a crucial moment in our lives.
We wish to express our gratitude for the constant tokens of affection and generosity that have arrived from so many parts of Spain, and even from outside our country. Also the affection, the efforts and the dedication of the institutions and the thousands of people who have contributed to the good outcome of these days of celebration. It is not possible, but we wish we could show these people our gratitude personally. It has also not proven possible to have with us so many people who are special to us, and to whom we sent our affectionate greetings from here.
In this chapter of thanks and memories we wish to have a spcial mention for our families. We are partly the result of their efforts and throughout these months they have given us their support and understanding, which have been vital props and will continue to be so. Beside, we would never have reached this point without their help, and that of other people, among whom I especially want to single out my sisters, the Infantas, and their husbands. Above all, it would have been impossible without their Majesties. As a son I have had much to thank them for throughout my life. Today, on my wedding day, I want to publicly acknowledge and express my deepest appreciation for their unceasing affection and support. It is not possible to understand my happiness without theirs.
Today I have acquired two more parents and two more sisters, and four grandparents - for my granparents are no longer with us. From them I continue to draw inspiration and my memories of them accompny me and fill me with pride. From hers I receive a warm closeness and the valuable experience of their lives. Accept my respectful and affectionate gratitude.
M for Madrid, May and Memories; The departed will always be with us, those who criminally and brutally were not allowed to continue living their dreams and hardships, and also those who lost loves ones and who cannot enjoy with them, freely and civically, this Spring in Madrid that embraces us and lifts our spirits.
In the presence of those we remember, allow me to offer a toast to Letizia, their Majesties the King and Queen, and Spain.